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Hello I'm TD fan from south of korea

Tout sur les lectures hors Tara Duncan

Hello I'm TD fan from south of korea

Messagepar Seola » 08 Oct 2016, 04:54

I can finally enjoy this forum!!
(I can't speak France, so please read to english)

I love TD for 7 years and now. So i want to read more book like Tara and Cal. But those not to come to korea...

I'm very sad and though My fantasy is end
But I heard the news TD's short movie!! Although it tell to france, we want to watch by interpret to english!!

I'm very exited and other tataddics(like france) want to know like me global fan is limit to like TD

So please mor information to me!! I can read your text by translantion!!!!
Messages: 3
Enregistré le: 08 Oct 2016, 04:30

Re: Hello I'm TD fan from south of korea

Messagepar Elerinna » 08 Oct 2016, 14:53

Hello !

Better open a subject like that in "identification des voyageurs" here : voyageurs/
It's where everyone go for introduce himself.

Here it's a part for speaking about our reading (not writing by Sophie Audoin Mamikonian).

See you soon !
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Messages: 4591
Enregistré le: 24 Oct 2012, 09:43
Localisation: Dans l'estomac d'un dragon. Au secours ! Venez me sortir de là

Re: Hello I'm TD fan from south of korea

Messagepar Seola » 09 Oct 2016, 07:29

I don't know how to remove this text...sorry
Messages: 3
Enregistré le: 08 Oct 2016, 04:30

Re: Hello I'm TD fan from south of korea

Messagepar Elerinna » 09 Oct 2016, 10:51

You can't don't worry, Just an admin can.
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Messages: 4591
Enregistré le: 24 Oct 2012, 09:43
Localisation: Dans l'estomac d'un dragon. Au secours ! Venez me sortir de là

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