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What should it call bloodgrave in French?

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What should it call bloodgrave in French?

Messagepar maeen » 03 Jan 2016, 13:20

(Again excuse to use Eng)(careful)
I am so confused which is more proper to write it in les personnages and Autermonde. anyway I write.

Magister is a boss of bloodgrave.
first, is it right?

Then how can call bloodgrave in French? Tell me exact word.

And I have one more curious thing.
Is that word natural meaning(=umm... what I want to say is normal word registered in dictionary. for example, 'du' mean some.) or wordplay or nonsense like Chemnashaoviradaintrashivu?

Recently I am elaborated world view of Tara duncan by re-reading book from 1 to final.
The only obstacle is unreliable our kor translator....(oh shit) After previous orange and purple, I couldnt believe her anymore... (Surely she have less affection and passion than me.)
So I guess I ask regurlary in here, haha. I will wait your reply for my question.
Modifié en dernier par maeen le 18 Fév 2016, 10:14, modifié 1 fois.
Messages: 5
Enregistré le: 27 Déc 2015, 03:53

Re: What should it call bloodgrave in French?

Messagepar emimix3 » 03 Jan 2016, 14:03

Yup, it's right ! The French word for "Bloodgrave" is "Sangrave". "Sang" means "blood", albeit "grave" doesn't have the same meaning in both languages; in French, it only means "serious", whereas in Englihs is can also have the meaning of "tomb". But I'm not sure we should cut the word like "Sang-grave", it could also be "Sang-rave". Even if I have no idea of what it could mean; as far as I know, "rave" is either a techno party full of illicit stuff or the name of several vegetables (such as céleri-rave);

As for Chem, it makes zero sense in French. It's just a big mashup of a lot of syllabes.

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Re: What should it call bloodgrave in French?

Messagepar maeen » 10 Jan 2016, 07:55

Oh I see. belated thx u<333
Messages: 5
Enregistré le: 27 Déc 2015, 03:53

Re: What should it call bloodgrave in French?

Messagepar Lys Krysler » 10 Jan 2016, 08:47

You're welcome ;)
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