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Who have French version of TD book 1 or 2, help me.

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Who have French version of TD book 1 or 2, help me.

Messagepar maeen » 27 Déc 2015, 06:00

Hello, fist I am so sorry to use English in French site. I cannot speak French. I think except French, someone can understand Eng.

I need some help. My question is two.

1) In the middle of the book 1, when Tara and friends arrive at Omois and have first meal in Omois, one Effrit waiting to guide them, what is word depict Effrit color in ORIGIANL FRENCH? In korea version depict orange or reddish orange but eng version depict purple.

2) Very early in the book 2, when Tara and friend spend good time in earth, Omois arrive to arrest Cal,
in that, what is color description word about suit of royal bodyguard?
Also in korea version, its gold and orange or reddish orange and english version depict gold and purple.

haha,,,,,, I think that is too different, orange and purple.
As I see, contiuously depicting one word mean each translator insist on their translation, and I think one of both translation is wrong.

I want to know in original version, in that section, how to depict their color.
What is that word? In French, is there word decpict from orange to purple? No way!
Modifié en dernier par maeen le 18 Fév 2016, 10:16, modifié 1 fois.
Messages: 5
Enregistré le: 27 Déc 2015, 03:53

Re: Who have French version of Tara duncan book 1 or 2, HELP

Messagepar Lys Krysler » 27 Déc 2015, 09:53

Hi !

After a verification on each book, I can tell you that the good colours are, for your first question, purpule, and for the second, gold and purpule. Therefore, I think it's the korea version that have the wrong translation. However, you must know that, in French, the exact colour is'nt purpule, but heather purpule, so...

I hope that it hed helped you ! :)

Bye !
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Lys Krysler
Messages: 1300
Enregistré le: 01 Sep 2015, 13:13
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Re: Who have French version of Tara duncan book 1 or 2, HELP

Messagepar maeen » 27 Déc 2015, 13:18

Oh! thx you lys krysler! Would you mind telling me exactly word? I want to look at that in detail on my own.
Messages: 5
Enregistré le: 27 Déc 2015, 03:53

Re: Who have French version of Tara duncan book 1 or 2, HELP

Messagepar Lys Krysler » 27 Déc 2015, 14:38

The French word for heather purple is "pourpre", is that what you wanted ?
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Lys Krysler
Messages: 1300
Enregistré le: 01 Sep 2015, 13:13
Localisation: Vers l'infini et l'au-delà !!

Re: Who have French version of Tara duncan book 1 or 2, HELP

Messagepar lisbethetkidikoi » 28 Déc 2015, 00:41

"pourpre" is a dark red or cardinal réd in English. In omois, the uniforme has to colors à dark red (or purple in English) and gold
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Re: Who have French version of Tara duncan book 1 or 2, HELP

Messagepar Captain Starbuck » 28 Déc 2015, 09:15

Yes, pourpre is between red and purple, but more red. Like the color of the wine.
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Re: Who have French version of Tara duncan book 1 or 2, HELP

Messagepar maeen » 29 Déc 2015, 04:04

Oh I see. I can imagine what it is. It is the moment change my imagination all about Omois.Thx all of you<3333
Messages: 5
Enregistré le: 27 Déc 2015, 03:53

Re: Who have French version of Tara duncan book 1 or 2, HELP

Messagepar Lys Krysler » 29 Déc 2015, 06:38

You're welcome ;) If you need any other indication about the TD French Version, do not hesitate to ask for help !

Bye ! :)
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Lys Krysler
Messages: 1300
Enregistré le: 01 Sep 2015, 13:13
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