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For those who want to speak english

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For those who want to speak english

Messagepar Akésablue » 09 Mai 2015, 17:13

I wanted to create this subject for people to practise and ameliorate their english ;)
enjoy yourself and talk about what you want to work and have fun :P
do not hesitate to correct me on my mistakes :)
Modifié en dernier par Akésablue le 13 Mai 2015, 16:06, modifié 2 fois.
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Messages: 4984
Enregistré le: 08 Avr 2015, 16:28
Localisation: Wowowow! On se calme! J'ai pas dis que je vous le dirais Ok?!

Re: For the ones that whants to speak english

Messagepar Crépuscule » 09 Mai 2015, 17:29

That's interesting! I love that! I've got a pretty good level in English! Ans you?
They say the hero wins once the vilain dies. But I lost the moment you fell.
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Messages: 3518
Enregistré le: 15 Juil 2014, 09:36
Localisation: Qlq part avec ma Talounette que je kifffff❤️❤️❤️

Re: For the ones that whants to speak english

Messagepar Chitsu » 09 Mai 2015, 17:33

AAAWW I saw that topic, and was like 'omg this is perfect' so thanks, Akésabluuue. ♥

I read a lot of things in english, on the internet, you know? So I think I understand quite well. I'm not really confident when I've to talk, but when I write, that's not bad. x)

Aww this is cool.
Messages: 5409
Enregistré le: 06 Nov 2012, 12:28
Localisation: pas loin.

Re: For the ones that whants to speak english

Messagepar Yasminerita » 09 Mai 2015, 17:38

I'm pretty sure there's already a thread for that, just let me find it xD
edit : flood/english-flood-t436.html there it is ! Yes I know, it's an old one but I just couldn't not look for it haha.
Modifié en dernier par Yasminerita le 09 Mai 2015, 17:41, modifié 1 fois.
Messages: 4095
Enregistré le: 01 Mai 2011, 13:38
Localisation: Chez Tamer ;)

Re: For the ones that whants to speak english

Messagepar Akésablue » 09 Mai 2015, 17:40

ok, tell me if you find one
I'm glad to see you like it but I don't know what to talk about?
Modifié en dernier par Akésablue le 09 Mai 2015, 17:41, modifié 1 fois.
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Messages: 4984
Enregistré le: 08 Avr 2015, 16:28
Localisation: Wowowow! On se calme! J'ai pas dis que je vous le dirais Ok?!

Re: For the ones that whants to speak english

Messagepar Ewilio » 09 Mai 2015, 17:40

Yess! there are so many people speaking english here!
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Messages: 1722
Enregistré le: 01 Mai 2015, 13:19
Localisation: Sur le dos de mon dragounet!

Re: For the ones that whants to speak english

Messagepar Chitsu » 09 Mai 2015, 18:12

Thaaanks Yasminerita! Move there. :3
Messages: 5409
Enregistré le: 06 Nov 2012, 12:28
Localisation: pas loin.

Re: For the ones that whants to speak english

Messagepar Crépuscule » 09 Mai 2015, 18:30

I love the English! It's a very beautiful language! But I don't have a very good teacher :/
They say the hero wins once the vilain dies. But I lost the moment you fell.
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Messages: 3518
Enregistré le: 15 Juil 2014, 09:36
Localisation: Qlq part avec ma Talounette que je kifffff❤️❤️❤️

Re: For the ones that whants to speak english

Messagepar Clem » 09 Mai 2015, 18:40

Indeed there was an old topic where you already could speak english, thank you for finding it Yasminerita!
I think this one is more appropriate because it is in the School Section, so you can use this to give some advices to others members, or ask for help (by the way, there's a mistake in the title, it should be "for the ones that want" and not "whantS" since "the ones" isn't singular, and there's no H in this word. Actually, you should write "fort those who want to speak English" if you want it to be the best).

I'll lock the old topic, you can use this one from now. Try not to flood here, you're not in the Flood section ;)
Messages: 3581
Enregistré le: 08 Mai 2010, 17:50

Re: For the ones that whants to speak english

Messagepar Crépuscule » 09 Mai 2015, 18:51

I'm not sure but I think there is a mistake in the title...
It's not "want" without "s"?
They say the hero wins once the vilain dies. But I lost the moment you fell.
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Messages: 3518
Enregistré le: 15 Juil 2014, 09:36
Localisation: Qlq part avec ma Talounette que je kifffff❤️❤️❤️


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