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For those who want to speak english

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Re: For those who want to speak english

Messagepar Elerinna » 26 Sep 2016, 14:29

I understand your point of view, but honestly french prices are too expensives when we see our life level (I said that after living in others countries and going in Germany monthly) and certain products have ridiculous duties (Honestly I don't think that the price of cigarette help people to stop smoking, and can you explain we oil's price are so different between France and Luxemburg or Germany for exemple). I think in a wonderfull world, this overture to the others countries would help to cheap some unfair prices, and help poorer country to elevate their life conditions, unfortunatly it's not working like that actually.
And honestly I think that many people in France try to buy French products in priority, we made enough add for them. The others havn't generally enough money for them and don't allow them to buy cheaper products because they are foreigners is a way to increase their money problem.
But I'm agree to say that European buraucrats are totaly useless about that (and almost every other points...).
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Re: For those who want to speak english

Messagepar Isa' Rogue » 26 Sep 2016, 14:34

Cigarettes and oil are taxed by the French State, because... well, they always need money, don't they? (I'm not saying that this money is well redistributed, however.) This is why their prices are so expensive, more expensive than in other countries.

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Re: For those who want to speak english

Messagepar Elerinna » 26 Sep 2016, 14:40

But others countries taxed it too, but no at this point and they aren't regret it. All countries need money, but the can figure a different way to find them.
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Enregistré le: 24 Oct 2012, 09:43
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Re: For those who want to speak english

Messagepar Akésablue » 26 Sep 2016, 17:42

Thanks for your vote Crépuscule :)
I love creating debates ^^
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Re: For those who want to speak english

Messagepar Emmy » 26 Sep 2016, 18:33

*on ne l'a absolument pas eu l'année dernière...non non*

The ability to go wherever I want in the EU
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Re: For those who want to speak english

Messagepar Akésablue » 26 Sep 2016, 18:38

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Re: For those who want to speak english

Messagepar Kepache » 13 Mai 2017, 23:11

I'd like to share my experience with English (sorry for the mistakes). As you may not know, I'm French but I live in New Zealand since I was about 11 (I will turn 14 this year). I was the young one, the one "who will learn fast". I had heard that "at the end of two months, you should speak perfectly English". This isn't true. Let things be clear, and it really need to: you will speak perfectly English only after several years. I emphasize that being "perfect in English" means: thinking in English, expressing yourself in English (which takes much longer than you might think), no longer having to prepare your sentence before speaking.

For me, the first years were, oh dear, really hard (although I also have personal reasons for it). Every two days, I came back in tears because I felt lost. I stuttered in my sentences and made me look ridiculous, while everyone was laughing, I was staying in my corner because I didn't understand the joke, I suspected everyone to speak on my back and I absolutely couldn't communicate. What helped me stay strong was the family. At the end, I returned with excellent grades (for the students's biggest surprise, haha!).

Learning English is hard, but it opens you plenty of doors. You really need to known how to speak English if you want to be independent, and I'm lucky to have this skill so early in my life.
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Re: For those who want to speak english

Messagepar Elerinna » 14 Mai 2017, 11:24

Well I have an other experience, very different from you.
I lived in Derby,England almost three monthes and I was older than you. Well I speak English pretty well before that, because i used to read in English, watch TV in English and I already learn a language before so maybe it helped me.
My first week was harder than I think, because I realised than I wasn't so fluent in English. But very quickly I didn't have any problem for speaking. By the way, my last day in Derby I was with two English man (and some other friends) and they was very surprising by my good English. And in London I unfortunatly finished at the police station and the policeman propose me a traducer but told me that apparently I didn't need one beacause my English was very good.
English was more easy to speak fluently for me than Spanish and honestly English isn't a difficult langage, grammar is so easy ! My only problem is the accent but in England French accent is considerate like very sexy (but me I find this awful).
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Re: For those who want to speak english

Messagepar Captain Starbuck » 14 Mai 2017, 17:26

In my opinion Elerinna's right, English is really easy. There is almost no grammar. I think that is why English colonised the whole world. Seriously, English people are so lazy, they can travel everywhere and speak their own language... And french accent IS sexy!!
Capitaine de l'unité humaine de l'armée aérienne du Lancovit.
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Captain Starbuck
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Re: For those who want to speak english

Messagepar Kepache » 14 Mai 2017, 21:17

I think my experience was harder because I didn't known anything in English before I get to NZ. Another reason may be the accent, the New Zealand accent is quiet horrible.
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